Capgemini sustainability insights
Stay informed with our latest resources, case studies, and thought leadership.
A world in balance 2024: Accelerating sustainability amidst geopolitical challenges
Organizations worldwide are making significant strides in environmental and social sustainability. To understand the progress being made, learn more in the Capgemini Research Institute's third edition of our A world in balance series.
Accelerating low-carbon hydrogen and cutting costs with digital technology
Delivering greater value from your low-carbon hydrogen assets by using better asset information to improve investment decisions and operations. Read our latest paper in collaboration with Siemens.
Insights for driving sustainable growth in financial services
Explore how financial institutions can take the lead in sustainability with fresh insights from our latest thought leadership and solution papers.
Accelerating sustainability through responsible innovation
Harness the immense potential of generative AI while considering its cost to the planet and society.
ReThink series
A series of whitepapers on how we need to rethink sustainability - Capgemini believes that a sustainable future requires greater collective action, bolder leadership, and smarter technology.
Engineering biology
Thanks to advancements in DNA synthesis, editing, and sequencing and developments in AI, biological systems can now be engineered with greater speed and accuracy and with significantly reduced time and costs.